On Sept. 1-9, researchers of the Institute of Urban Meteorology (IUM), CMA, Beijing, as invited, participated in the annual meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) in Barcelona. Associated researcher Zhang Hanbin made a report entitled Introduction of Convection Permitting Ensemble Prediction System of North China, and briefed current situations of the convective scale ensemble forecast system in the Northern China Region, listened to the advancement of relevant ensemble forecast in other countries, and communicated with other participants about their advanced experience in the international mainstream ensemble forecast systems.
Liu Yujue, another associate researcher, made oral and poster walk reports themed Simulation of Flow Fields in Complex Terrain with WRF-LES: Sensitivity Assessment of Different PBL Treatments. He introduced the effect of using mesoscale and large eddy models to simulate local flow fields in complex terrains, discussed with overseas mountain meteorology experts about issues of mountain meteorological simulation, participated in exchanges on parallel sessions of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and the Urban Weather and Climate, etc., and thought that this meeting was very rewarding.